Living a life lead by the heart
There are many things we do on our time on this earth, yet very few live by the desires of their hearts. The saying goes that you only live once (YOLO), so why not live life to the fullest and chase what so many deny (Your dreams)?
The author
Meet Phillip
Aspiring author Phillip Anderson is a man who has come to terms with the fact that life is too short to live by “what ifs” and our daydreams. Rather than living by what is a figment of his imagination, he now chooses to live by his dreams and live his life as if tomorrow was the last day to make his dream a reality.
Aspiring Author Phillip Anderson is such a man. He lives by his dreams and seeks them as if they were the only thing worth living for. And his message to you is that you should to.
The Needs of the Heart
Living in this world is hard, no matter the point in history or the dominant culture which governs how society conducts itself.
Wars, famine, political corruption, economic depression, social injustice, civil unrest, all of which leads to the spiritual, personal unrest of the human soul. And it makes us wonder …
How do I as a person and we as human beings work together individually and collectively to make the world a better place for those live here today and for those who will be born into the world tomorrow?
Aspiring author Phillip Anderson provides deep insight into the human emotional spectrum as well as giving deep introspective insight into the emotions and principles he believes people of all races, religions, ethnicities, and demographic backgrounds need to not only make themselves better people, but the world a better place.
Good reads profile Hello all, here is the link to my Goodreads page. Follow me on Goodreads so you can learn more about me, I can learn more about you, and I can…
Hi all, this is Phillip Anderson. I have made some updates to my website, putting in new material such a separate blog posts where we can discuss certain issues pertaining to…
Introductory Post
Hi all, this is Phillip Anderson. If you are reading this, then congrats on visiting my author website as well as getting my book. I am new to blogging as well…
Hello world!
Have you ever found a place that ever understood you to begin with? Do you ever think you’ll find such a place? Living by one’s individuality is the hardest thing ever…
Writer’s Insight / Advice
Hello all, this is the Writer’s Insight Blog In this blog, we can discuss tips on writing to help those who aspire to be writers get the advice, wisdom, and insight…
Latest News
Hello all, this is the blog for upcoming events or Latest news. As of now, there are new events coming up, but as they appear, I will post them up in…